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Who was Nahuma?

March 27, 2013

Here’s a snippet from the original nineteenth-century Land Court Awards (“Mahele”) map for the Maha`ulepu area. The cave is clearly marked, and listed to someone scratched out, and “Nahuma” written in. Across the stream that drains out of Kapunakea Pond, note that one of the properties is listed to Keahikuni. If you ever toured the cave you probably know who that is. For his story, go to pages 94-96 of Back to the Future in the Caves of Kaua`i.

19th century map that shows the cave as belonging to Nahuma, and Keahikuni owning property across the stream

19th century map that shows the cave as belonging to Nahuma, and Keahikuni owning property across the stream

We are currently researching the 19th and 20th century history of the cave area. If you have any information you would like to contribute, contact Makauwahi Cave volunteer Chris Landreau, at

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